Pain in Chest occurs during exertion,cold,heavy meals etc.
Chest pain is felt during effort and it is relieved by rest.
Pain lasts for 5-10 minutes.
Relief is obtained with Nitrites.
Vomiting is absent.
Dyspnoea is absent.
Shock is absent.
Sweating is minimal.
Blood Pressure is normal or increased
MI (Myocardial Infarction )
Occurs both at rest often without any cause.
Pain is not relieved by rest.
Pain lasts more than 30 minutes.
No relief with Nitrites.
Vomiting is often present.
Dispnoea is common.
Shock can occur.
Sweating may be profuse.
Blood Pressure may fall.
Pain in Chest occurs during exertion,cold,heavy meals etc.
Chest pain is felt during effort and it is relieved by rest.
Pain lasts for 5-10 minutes.
Relief is obtained with Nitrites.
Vomiting is absent.
Dyspnoea is absent.
Shock is absent.
Sweating is minimal.
Blood Pressure is normal or increased
MI (Myocardial Infarction )
Occurs both at rest often without any cause.
Pain is not relieved by rest.
Pain lasts more than 30 minutes.
No relief with Nitrites.
Vomiting is often present.
Dispnoea is common.
Shock can occur.
Sweating may be profuse.
Blood Pressure may fall.